Wednesday 12 October 2011

Sadia and Kristy Composition Exercise


  1. Our strengths were the continuity, everything runs smoothly. We also kept to the 180 degree rule.

    However the second to last shot jumped into the last shot and doesn't work the way we wanted it too.

    We story-boarded this film but when we came to edit it our first shot was overlapped so we had to change the order round.

    The first shot in our film is a mid-shot, low angle, i think this shot was well framed, it looked the way we expected it too.
    The second shot is a close up tracking shot, it was difficult to get this scene because we were on the stairs and had to manually film. The only problem is that it is wobbly.
    Everything other shot is well framed, we think.

  2. Teachers Comments:

    The first and second shot show somebody walking up the stairs and in the third shot the subject is still. Also the composition of the third shot is not good because its too close, its just a floating head and we didn't show the process of how it took place (her stopping, why she stopped)
    We already saw her walk up the stairs so we get the impression she is at the top, when in the fourth shot she is at the bottom of the steps.
