Sunday 30 October 2011

Evaluation of Assessment Film By Kristy

For our assessment film my group chose to remake ghost.

We used a tripod for our filming and we never took the camera off it, so the shots were very steady. There was one shot in our film that shouldn’t have been steady, it was the tracking shot, but we forgot about this and zoomed in instead.
I think the shots were framed o.k. I didn’t have much power over the framing because I had to be in front of the camera while Sadia framed it. I think that at the point where I slide down the door crying and then get up to go to the mirror, the framing isn’t so good but we just copied what they did in the film and I think it worked.
We mainly used mid-shot and close-up but we used high angles and low angles as well. We were supposed to use a tracking shot but we used zoom instead, which didn’t work.
The composition was great! We followed all the rules we could, the 180-degree rule, the 30-degree rule and the rule of thirds. We also made sure there was enough headroom and lead room.

The continuity needs work. There were no massive errors that affected our film badly but a few small things that were noticeable. Such as in the first and third shot, in the first shot I was looking to the left and in the third shot I was looking to the right. Also when I close the door, I close it twice because the shot wasn’t cut down enough. Overall I think the continuity went alright, it just needed a few tweaks.
We didn’t need to use any transitions in our film. We made it fade out at the end because the original ghost film did.

I don’t think the costume really mattered much in our film, it was more about the makeup. I don’t think the makeup came across as scary as we wanted, we needed to go a bit more over the top with it but the makeup was still appropriate for the genre, horror. The props in our film were mainly the doors and the mirror, we didn’t really need much else.
The location was difficult because we had to do it inside someone’s house so it took more planning. The first thing we did was compare our bathrooms to the film, mine wasn’t going to work for this film but Sadias was fine so we knew we were going to use her house. Her bathroom was a perfect place to film but the hallway was difficult to work with, as the doors didn’t open outwards so we couldn’t copy the film exactly, we had to interpret it to what we had. Although the bathroom was big we always found it difficult to position the camera. Overall the bathroom was good but we needed a different location for the hallway.
Actors were the biggest problem we had. A few people said they would do it but weren’t available at the times we needed them. In the end I had to act, which was not a good idea because I just laughed all the way through it.

For the film I story boarded and listed the shot types. I also acted in it, as we couldn’t find anyone available at the times we needed.  I helped with the positioning of the camera, the framing but I think that my strongest point in media is editing. Although our footage wasn’t that great I think the editing pulled it together and made it better than what I thought it could have been.
I think the acting definitely needs improving, if we could do it again I would definitely find someone different to act, someone who does drama and wants to do it. Also I think we should have stuck more to the shot sheet because some of the shots weren’t exact to the film. The shot where the camera zooms in on my face should have been a tracking shot, it was wrote down on the sheet but we didn’t follow it closely enough. The location could have been better because although the bathroom was perfect for filming the hallway wasn’t, we couldn’t do what we needed to do with the doors. The whole film has got a comedic factor about it, it needed to be more tense and scarier. The biggest improvement that needs to be done is the planning. We didn’t plan enough, we just tried to get on with it when we didn’t really know how we were going to do it. We didn’t plan the ghost parts (where the doors are slamming) enough so when it came to it we didn’t have a clue what we were doing.
For my coursework I am going to plan every single detail so that when it comes to filming my team know exactly what they need to do. Also I will find appropriate actors and location. I will make sure it has a scary atmosphere to it, the makeup and costumes will contribute to this. For my coursework I don’t want to be in it I want to direct it, I feel that directing and editing are my strongest points I media.

Kristy Simpson

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