Wednesday 19 October 2011

Asessment Film Sadia And Kristy


  1. The strengths is the editing, such as sound, video effects, location and the fact that we finished our task. However the weaknesses are the acting, make up/prop, bit of the lighting(in the scene where we zoomed in, is very dark and we cannot see the facial expression) and we missed some of the shots(eye-line and point of view).
    The continuity was alright. We used the 180 degree rule and rule of thirds however some scenes jumped into each-other. So the process of the scene looks incomplete.

  2. Teachers Comments:

    Continuity needs improving but the composition is great.
    NO ZOOMING! We should have tracked the shot instead.
    Some of the shots don't make sense. (The first shot where the character looks towards the right and the next shot the character is looking towards the left)
    Acting = Bad...Noooo smiling!
    Its got a comedy factor, needs to be scarier!
