Tuesday 25 October 2011

Half-term homework assignment

Evaluating remake “Ghost” video

Use of camera was one of the positive outcomes of my film; such as the use of variety of shots e.g. high/low angle, medium shot (not complete) and composition e.g. the 180 and 30 degree rule. However, the scene jumped between 19 to 22 second, which made the framing look bad even through most of the shots were steady. This made me realise its necessary to shoot more then once and complete all sequences so there are more options when it comes to editing.
This didn’t make my film weak. Because the use of the edition was 10/10, the sequence made sense and flow together perfectly. E.g. sequence where the character hears/sees the doors banging. The shots were incomplete but we used the appropriate editing transitions such as cut and repeated, so it made sense. This made the continuity look good and showed the process of how each scene took place.
Selection of content was the weakest part of the assessment. From the first day, until the last day of planning went smoothly. We had varieties of choose such as location/actors, genre and guidance (which shot and techniques to use). However at the end of the week when it came to shooting, everything fell apart. The actors refused to shot; we didn’t have time to buy prop/make up and had one choice of location.
 The setting such as the location (house) was meant to scary but it came out too normal, as well as the costumes and make up didn’t show the personality of the character. The actors were chosen in a rush (from my group), and because my group member were more good at the technical (camera and make up) side, the acting came out pretty bad. There were lots of laughing and giggling. Everything was chosen as it was in the movie but not good enough for the genre.
The planning helped us to shoot and choose the specific things, but to improve its necessary to choose the right location and actors/make up. So for my real coursework I will make sure everything is chosen rightly for my genre and shoot few times to make sure it flow, not jump perfectly. Not repeat my mistake and remember to use my positive points.

Name: Sadia Hamid

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